Monday, March 28, 2016

How to crochet a Foundation Single Crochet

The Foundation Single Crochet (FSC) will be needed in cases where we need elastic initial row. This method forms a beautiful braid along the all first row. In this lesson you look at how to make a foundation single crochet.

You can see this article in our site

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Monday, March 14, 2016

How to Crochet the Crossed Double Crochet

We continue theme begun in last lesson, and in this lesson we will tell and show you how to make the crossed double crochet.

You can see this article in our site
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Saturday, March 12, 2016

How to Crochet a Treble Cross Stitch (K-Stitch)

Treble Cross Stitch, as its name implies, has the appearance of a cross. This stitch is also called K-Stitch. The crossed stitches often make with one yarn over. And so, in this lesson we show, step by step, how to make a treble cross stitch.

You can see this article in our site

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

How to crochet Front Post and Back Post stitches

In the rubric The different ways crochet stitches we don't talked about method crochet post. This method of fastening the stitches to the stitches of the previous row forms a separate type - textural or convex stitches, so we have devoted them a separate theme.

You can see this article in our site

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Saturday, March 5, 2016

Classic Purl Stitch. Stockinette stitch

We continue our series of knitting lessons for beginners. And today we tell you how to make a classic purl stitch. Stay with us and knit with pleasure!

You can see this article in our site

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Tuesday, March 1, 2016

How to Bind off and Cast off

In this lesson we learn to fix the stitches of the final row using the main technique. This method is used the most frequently. It will suit for the most patterns. The main technique of binding off produces a smooth and rather elastic edge of cloth.

You can see this article in our site