Thursday, December 22, 2016

Stockinette Stitch

New is well forgotten old. And today we're going back to basics and we tell you how to knit Stockinette Stitch.

Stockinette stitch is also called: plain knit, jersey. This pattern is most often used in knitting. It's easy to do.

#knit #knitStitch #knitPattern #howToKnit #stockinetteStitch

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Dense Stitch Pattern 3

We continue to delight you with new patterns and offer you another dense crochet pattern.


This pattern stretches in length very well and badly - in width. You can use it to crochet details both in length and width. In either case, you can get a beautiful texture. This pattern is can be using for crochet any things: from mittens, hats and socks to jackets and dresses. The pattern blends well with decorative patterns and crochet flowers.

#crochet #crochetPattern #crochetStitchPattern #denseCrochetPattern

Monday, December 12, 2016

Crochet Wave Stitch Pattern #1

I haven't seen you for a long time. And today I want show you very interesting a crochet wave stitch pattern.

This lace wave pattern is better doing with the thin yarn. You can use this pattern to crochet skirts, dresses, lightweight scarves and tippets.

#crochet #crochetStitch #crochetStitchPattern #crochetWavePattern #waveStitchPattern